Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ramadhan & Senior Year

I cant believe that it's time to fast again!
Wow. It kinda gives me chills how fast time flies. I know, I know. I sound like a middle-aged woman watching her son go off to college. But, it's true. Time does fly by. Too fast.
Post ini awalnya mau gue kasih judul Ramadhan aja, tapi berhubung gue udah menjurus ke betapa cepat waktu berlalu, ya gue ganti judul deh.
Senior year. Yeah. I don't feel like a senior. Ngerti kan maksud gue? Inget ga pas baru masuk SMA, the seniors actually looked like seniors. Mereka berbadan tinggi. Yang cewek pake rok span dan banyak yang bermake-up.
Lah gue?
Badan gue badan flyer banget. Skinny & awkward. Kita dilarang pake rok span gara2 ada adek kelas yang bernama melia yang rok spannya ketat banget. Belahan sampe paha. Sampe gue takut roknya jebol, pantatnya udah mau tumpah gitu.
Anywho, kembali ke topik awal.
In months time, we will be taking exams, working our butts of to get into college. Taking yearbook pictures. Going nuts on the confusion of prom dresses.
And finally.
We'll all be off.
Di satu sisi, gue pengen banget cepet2 UN, cepet2 selesai sama semua stress yang harus dilalui di kelas 3 ini.
tapi di sisi yang lain, gue ga mau ninggalin SMA 21. Walaupun gue sering banget ngerasa ga betah karena ac yang panas. Karena ada suara bajai2 yang menggema di saat kita lagi berusaha belajar. Karena guru2 tertentu yang sering banget bikin gue ngerasa bete.
Tapi, coba deh bayangin gimana nanti kalo kita udah kuliah. Going down each of our own paths of life. Think about how much responsibility we're going to have to take on. How we have our whole futures in the palms of our own hands. There's bound to be a lot of decisions to make. Decisions to make on our own. As adults. Will we be ready? And i know, that we wont always make the right decisions. That's part of growing up, i guess. But isn't it scary when you think about all the concequences that we'll have to face?

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