Thursday, December 30, 2010

Love Is Always


It turns out that beating them twice wasn't enough to win the whole competition. I love you Indonesia, and there is no doubt in my mind that there will be many victories to come. 2nd place is just the beginning. Garuda and all of it's wisdom.


Monday, December 27, 2010

AFF Hopes

Let me just start out by saying how proud i am of indonesia for making it this far. We made it to the finals and beat a lot of teams on the way. I am definitely proud to be an Indonesian.
I'm not a soccer freak. In fact, before this AFF, i have never ever in my 17 years of living watched a whole game. Or match. Whatever. During the first out of 2 semifinals between ind-phi i was home alone and twitter was getting pretty roused up about some soccer game, so i decided to watch since i conveniently have a television in my bedroom.
I had no idea what the hell i was watching. The only thing i payed attention to was how ruggedly handsome the phi players were, especially no.7, no.10, and the goalie. Oh yeah, the coach was smokin hot too. i wanted to take him home and rip his clothes off :9

From that moment on i was hooked.
Now dont get me wrong, I LOVE INDONESIA. phi just has hotter players :P
So because phi and their hotties got me interested in watching soccer, i am still watching aff until the grand finals on the 29th.
Last Sunday, malay-ind played in Malaysia's stadium. But the malaysian supporters did something so shameful, it made me wanna bitchslap them silly. They brought lasers and shined them towards the indonesian players. This is rather dumb, because aside from annoying the Indonesian players, it makes a bad name for malaysians. I mean, cant they win without the help of lasers? Come on now, where's the fairplay?
And you know, payback is a bitch. To all you malaysians, i dont feel bad about "HATE MALAYSIA" being a trending topic on twitter. And to make it even more hilarious, #loveindonesia is also a trending topic. Sooo, am i right? Isnt payback just a dirty little bitch?

I can only hope that Indonesian supporters do not do anything as shameful as that this wednesday at Gelora Bung Karno for the grand finals. Because I know we can win without foulplay. Come on, Indonesia. I know we can rock the finals. Our prayers mean so much more than theirs.


Friday, December 17, 2010


Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you're living? -Bob Marley


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

1960's Mafia Babes

Life is partly what we make it, and partly what is made by the friends we choose.


Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy 12th Birthday!

Okay, it's not her 12th. It's her 17th. But she looks so cute >.<
My chairmate for 2 years, this little bitch turned 17 years old and celebrated her birthday at Seaside Suki, Ancol.
I hope she has a wonderful 17th year of living, and i hope she gets accepted into a great med school, cause she deserves it :)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Remember When....? PART III

*Di Bus
rei, dukuh atas udah lewat belom?
are you sure?
(nanya ke orang yang duduk sebelah gue) mba, dukuh atas belom lewat kan?
loh, udah dek. udah dari tadi.

Akhirnya kita turun di halte manaa gitu dan pulang naik blue bird.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Remember When....? PART II

*Sampai di halte Benhil
Gerimis. Gue dan Fae mikir dulu. bakal ujan ga ya? Tapi kita nekat dan langsung jalan, ke arah tangga kiri. Namun pas lagi mau ke tangga kiri, hujannya semakin deres. Bahkan kita baru sampe di atas, hujan berubah dari yang tadinya cuma gerimis, jadi deres banget sampe ada petir2nya. Untungnya kita ketemu mas payung.
Payung mas!
Iya dek!
Berapa mas?
Ada yang 20rb, ada yang 15rb dek!
muka masnya kyk orang baru liat setan
ha iya dek, iya..

Setelah kita beli payung, kita turun tangga. Tapi di ujung tangga orang2 pada ga mau keluar karena hujannya deres banget. Karena gue dan fae bukan orang yang sabar, kita langsung terobos aja. Dengan payung 15rb yang lemah dan tidak waterproof. Pas kita lagi melawan kebijakan alam, tiba2 ada angin kenceng dari depan. REI! PAYUNG LO DI TARO DIKEDEPANIN AJA! HUJANNYA DARI ARAH DEPAN! Yaudah gue ikutin apa kata fae. Namun, anginnya ternyata cuma lewat doang dan kita ga nyadar. Dengan payung yang tidak waterproof dan tidak menutupi kepala, kita tetap berjalan menuju rs jakarta.As you can probably see, it looks like i'm protecting the grass from rain.

Sampe di RS jakarta, gue ketemu uki dan keluarganya. silaturahmi segala macem, trus langsung cabut ke RS AD.

Di jalan raya, kita nanya satpam, RS AD itu jauh ga sih dr jalan raya? katanya sih dekat, tp kalo jalan kaki lumayan jauh. Nah, gue sebagai anak dengan otak yang sangat ekonomis, kirain gue satpamnya kerja sama dengan tukang ojek. Kirain gue RS AD itu deket, cm biar dia dapet uang aja kita disuruh naik ojek. Dan fae sebagai anak yang rada manja, mikirnya bakal di bawa kabur sama abang ojek.
Anywho, ternyata RS AD emang agak jauh dan kita ga bakal sampe2 kalo jalan kaki. Dan yang jaga gerebangnya tuh abri2 gitu, asli dah gue takut pas masuk disuruh push-up dulu. tapi untungnya ga.
Pas udah ketemu kamarnya pacarnya fae, kita masuk. Ada kakak, adik, dan bibinya. Tapi pas di dalem, fae salting parah, ketawa2 sendirilah, ngomong2 ga jelas. Tapi karena dia sahabat gue dan gue sayang bgt sm dia, jadi setiap dia ketawa2 sendiri, gue ikut ketawa aja biar kesannya mungkin diantara kita ada inside joke atau apalah. Biar fae ga terkesan gila gila amat. Walaupun kenyataannya dia memang gila.
Setelah beberapa lama di dalam, fae tiba tiba keluar. Ninggalin gue sendirian dengan calon suaminya dan calon iparnya. Awalnya gue diem aja, sok sok nonton. Padahal hati gue mengangis. Where the heck is fae? Why isnt she back yet? Sampai akhirnya gue keluar juga. Dan fae itu lagi duduk di lobby luar dengan muka pasrah dan ingin nangis. Yaudah gue coba hibur aja dengan membuang sampah gue di kantong dressnya suster dan membuang permen karet di railing tangga. Setelah sekitar 10 menit kita ngakak bersama, kita pamit sama pacarnya fae dan menuju halte busway.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Remember When....? PART I

these are a series of actual events that occured in the recent past (nahloh kyk opening film hantu)

Pada suatu malam, gue mendapat sms
Rei, besok mau kemana?

mau ke rs jakarta, uki abis operasi, emang kenapa fe?
naik apa? gue temenin lo deh, lo temenin gue yaa.

kyknya mau nyoba memberanikan diri untuk naik busway deh. oh yaudin, emang lo mau kemana?
gue juga mau ke rs. pacar gue juga operasi.

nahloh kan kan. sahabat emang. sampe pacarnya aja operasi barengan.
Gue dan Fae janjian besoknya kita berangkat jam 12 siang. Gue kerumah fae dulu.

Gue udah hampir selesai siap2. Pas gue mau masukkin soflen, soflennya jatoh sehingga gue ga bisa menemukannya. Karena gue takut fae nunggu lama, gue sms dulu. setelah sekitar 10 menit mencari, soflennya ga ketemu. gue nyari di meja rias, di kolong meja rias, di kursi meja rias, di kolong tempat tidur, di kantong celana gue.
Setelah sekitar 20 menit, akhirnya ketemu. Ternyata nempel di kaca meja rias gue. Anywho, gue langsung berangkat naik bajai ke rumah

Pas udah lewatin 21, gue sms fae
Fae gue udah deket rumah lo

*Fae nelfon:
Rei. Gue udah deket rumah lo.
Hah? Apa fe? (ga denger gara2 sama sama naik bajai)
Ap--loh. Gue udah deket rumah lo.

*5 menit kemudian
(abang bajai ketakutan)
Fae?! Udah udah, ketemu di halte sugi aja!

Akhirnya kita ketemu di halte busway sunan giri. Kita beli 2 karcis dan kita naik busway ke halte dukuh atas. Sampai di dukuh atas, kita bingung mau lanjut kemana, karena kita sama sama belom pernah naik busway sendirian. Kita nanya sama mas busway. Namun tidak bermanfaat karena dia cuma bisa ngelawak doang, mungkin dia mau menutupi bahwa sebenernya dia buta jalan juga. Seharusnya dia ga kerja sebagai mas busway. Kita cari mas yang beda.
Dan kita ketemu mas mas yang sangat hafal jalan dan jalur2 busway. Kata mas mas itu, kalo mau ke rs jakarta, kita harus turun di halte benhil. Sampai di halte benhil, kita ambil tangga yang kiri, trus sampe di bawah kita belok ke arah kanan yang ada plang rs jakarta. Katanya deket kok dari halte, tinggal jalan kaki. Kita juga sekalian nanyai rs si pacarnya fae. Rs angkatan darat apaa gitu namanya gue lupa. Sebut saja RS AD -.- ternyata rs ad berada di jalan yang sama. Hanya saja, rs jakarta ambil tangga kiri, rs ad tangga kanan. Kita memutuskan utk ke rs jakarta duluan. Karena kata mas busway lebih dekat.
Memang benar. Rs jakarta sangat dekat.
Cuaca tidak mendukung.
Di lihat dari bentuk awan Cumulus ciee mentang2 anak IPC, dan kecepatan angin yang sangat cepat, sudah bisa ditebak bahwa akan terjadi badai yang sangat dasyat. Atau mungkin gerimis.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Grey Fever

I've always LOVED watching Grey's Anatomy. even 5 years back, when my mom said it was too inappropriate, i always watched it secretly in my room :P
Anywho, because starworld is being ridiculous with their schedule, i cant keep up with anything these days. All starworld ever does is play re-runs over and over and over again. As if they just want to lose their viewers. I mean, come on. I can't follow anything anymore.
So i have season 5 & 6 on my lappy just begging to be watched. And i'm almost to the end of season 5. I can't believe i didnt do this downloading thing earlier. My Addiction to Grey's has finally come back.
I cant believe i missed Izzy having skin cancer, and Meredith getting engaged. And Sloan is now with Little Grey. Whoa. Awsome.
Anywiddles, the best part of watching Grey's Anatomy is all the smart things they say. Here are some of my favorites from season 5 for you. Only up tp ep 21, cause that's how far i am.

"We all remember the bed time stories of our childhoods. The shoe fits Cinderella, the frog turns into a prince, sleeping beauty is awakened with a kiss. Once upon a time and then they lived happily ever after. Fairy tales, the stuff of dreams. The problem is, fairy tales don't come true. It's the other stories, the ones that begin with dark and stormy nights and end in the unspeakable. It's the nightmares that always seem to become reality. - The person that invented the phrase "Happily ever after" should have his ass kicked, so hard!!" -Meredith (ep 1)

Christina: We are not happy, glowy people.
Izzie and Meredith: Yeah.
Cristina: We need to get out of here.
Izzie and Meredith: Yeah.
(ep 4 in dermatology)

Baily: We're ready for you, Grey.
Meredith: Walking with the kidney... :[she drops kidney]
Bailey: 5 second rule! 5 second rule!
(ep 5)

Christina: The wife's here, of the beating victim. She ID'd her husband, so I-
Owen: What's his name? I was wondering if you found out his name so that he would become a person to you. They're all people, you know. This is not a game or a competition, who gets surgeries and who doesn't. They're people and we get to save them. Now you're good. You're excellent and you can win all the contests. But if that's why you're doing this then you shouldn't be. Did you find out his name?
Christina: My dad died when I was nine. In a car accident, I was with him in the car. While we waited for the ambulance, I tried to keep his chest closed, so he wouldn't bleed so much. When he died, my hands felt his heart stop beating. That's why I do this. It's also why I win all the contests. The patient's name is Tom. [leaves]
Owen: Single malt scotch.

"My mother called it the greatest and most terrifying moment in her life, standing at the head of the surgical table knowing that the patient’s life depends on you and you alone. It what we all dream about because the first person that gets to fly solo in the OR, kind of a badass." -Meredith (ep 11)

"I believe in heaven. I also believe in hell. I’ve never seen either, but I believe they exist. They have to exist because without a heaven, without a hell, we’re all just headed for limbo" -Denny (ep 13)

"Alone people don't like to hear about the together people...It's just sort of mean. It's sort of like bringing a 6-pack to an AA meeting" -Callie (ep 14)

"Surgeons are all messed up. We’re butchers, messed up knife happy butchers. We cut people up, we move on. Patients die on our watch, we move on. We cause trauma, we suffer trauma. We don’t have time to worry about all the blood and death and crap it really makes us feel." -Alex (ep 19)

"Remember when we were little and we would accidentally bite a kid on the playground. Our teachers would go, “Say you’re sorry”, and we would say it, but we wouldn’t mean it cause the stupid kid we bit, totally deserved it." -Meredith (ep 21)

I wish i could put more, but there's just so many things they say that make my tummy tickle ;)

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Blind Side

I actually watched this a few months ago, reccomendation of my older sister.
This is one of those movies that makes you want to cry but it's not sad. It's inspiring. And with the help of the cast, this movie just blew me away.
This is a MUST-SEE movie.


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Prom. Hopefully.

(erin from ANTM cycle 13)

Hopefully i can find a seamstress good enough to make this work for my body type.
Gorgeous & so graceful!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ramadhan & Senior Year

I cant believe that it's time to fast again!
Wow. It kinda gives me chills how fast time flies. I know, I know. I sound like a middle-aged woman watching her son go off to college. But, it's true. Time does fly by. Too fast.
Post ini awalnya mau gue kasih judul Ramadhan aja, tapi berhubung gue udah menjurus ke betapa cepat waktu berlalu, ya gue ganti judul deh.
Senior year. Yeah. I don't feel like a senior. Ngerti kan maksud gue? Inget ga pas baru masuk SMA, the seniors actually looked like seniors. Mereka berbadan tinggi. Yang cewek pake rok span dan banyak yang bermake-up.
Lah gue?
Badan gue badan flyer banget. Skinny & awkward. Kita dilarang pake rok span gara2 ada adek kelas yang bernama melia yang rok spannya ketat banget. Belahan sampe paha. Sampe gue takut roknya jebol, pantatnya udah mau tumpah gitu.
Anywho, kembali ke topik awal.
In months time, we will be taking exams, working our butts of to get into college. Taking yearbook pictures. Going nuts on the confusion of prom dresses.
And finally.
We'll all be off.
Di satu sisi, gue pengen banget cepet2 UN, cepet2 selesai sama semua stress yang harus dilalui di kelas 3 ini.
tapi di sisi yang lain, gue ga mau ninggalin SMA 21. Walaupun gue sering banget ngerasa ga betah karena ac yang panas. Karena ada suara bajai2 yang menggema di saat kita lagi berusaha belajar. Karena guru2 tertentu yang sering banget bikin gue ngerasa bete.
Tapi, coba deh bayangin gimana nanti kalo kita udah kuliah. Going down each of our own paths of life. Think about how much responsibility we're going to have to take on. How we have our whole futures in the palms of our own hands. There's bound to be a lot of decisions to make. Decisions to make on our own. As adults. Will we be ready? And i know, that we wont always make the right decisions. That's part of growing up, i guess. But isn't it scary when you think about all the concequences that we'll have to face?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Birthday Wishes

Last Friday (30/07) i turned 17. I know, I'm all grown up :')
Yeah, you'd think that. But actually, i feel the same as when i was 16. Maybe i'ts because i still don't know how to drive (let alone have a license), and i still dont have official identification. But hey, like wengky would say it, "ajickiiiiin"...!
On the 30th of July my boyfriend suprised me at school. He bought a cake, it was so cute. I felt like taking him home and eating him up >.<
I celebrated my sweet 17th on Saturday night at Olive Cafe.

On Monday (2/08), my boyfriend turned 17 too. I'm older than him by 3 days. I stopped by his school to give him a suprise too :)

Happy Birthday Uki, I love you so much
We've spent 3 of our birthdays together
And I hope we still have a lifetime to come of birthdays to share

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Forever & Always, VBC

Hari rabu kemarirn kita tampil terakhir di sekolah untuk acara demo ekskul. Walaupun gue bener2 masih pengen ngelanjut sampe popmie cheerleadance, teman2 setim gue udah pada ga boleh karena harus fokus belajar.
Tadinya sih gue pengen coba gabung aja sama tim whitenya. Tapi gue akhirnya sadar bahwa ga ada artinya kalo gue ikut popmie cheerleadance tapi bukan sama team gue sendiri, bukan sama sahabat2 gue yang selama ini udah keringetan bareng gue, nangis bareng gue, bahkan berdarah & cedera bareng gue. Walaupun ga barengan trus ya cederanya :P tapi kita semua pernah ngerasain sakitnya dalam posisi masing2. Beratnya jadi base, dan nekadnya jadi flyer.
Gue udah cinta mati sama vbc blue, dan base gue : icha, ai, sari, anin ;)
Gue berharap adik2 baru kita bisa jauh lebih baik dari kita dan mereka bisa membawa nama baik vbc <3
Adik2ku yang baru, kalian harus kuat ya, jangan manja2. Kalo mau perut rata, dan paha kenceng (:P) kalian harus berkorban. Harus mau cape ya. Harus jadi yang terbaik dalam posisi masing2. dan yang penting, kalian satu tim harus jadi sahabat, itu akan menentukan segalanya ;)
vbc go fight win!

Monday, June 14, 2010

random quizzes

I got bored for 3 nights, and took these quizzes. pretty fun, actually.
check 'em out on teennick! or click on the individual pics above to go straight to the quiz you're interested in!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Little About Cheerleading

"Seragam kita seperti itu karena mempermudah kita dalam aerodynamics & gymnastics. Kalo gatau apa2 gausah bacot"-(my own words)

You don't know how hard we practice our routines. We risk our health and our phisycal being doing a sport thats considered the one of the most dangerous sports for girls, and not to mention we look damn cute doing it! So if you don't like us, or if you don't like what we wear, fine. Just dont go on blabbing and insulting us about something you clearly dont know anything about, got that?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Gue tau lo seneng banget sama murid-murid yang desperate, yang mau aja ngejar-ngejar lo kemana-mana demi nilai yang bagus. Gue tau lo ngerasa hebat kalo ada yang kayak gitu. Gue tau lo udah besar kepala. Tapi maaf yah, gue bukan tipe murid yang rela bermohon-mohon sm guru demi mendapatkan nilai. Gue cukup minta remedial sekali sama lo, lo ga usah ngerjain gue dulu deh sebelum lo kasih, ini bukan perploncoan. Kalo mau kasih yaudah, kalo ga mau yaudah gapapa. Lo guru gue. Lo seharusnya bisa jadi contoh yang baik buat murid-murid lo. Gue ga mau liat lo kepedean, ngerasa seperti ratu.

Bermohon sama lo itu sama aja kyk bermohon kepada kotoran tikus.
Sampai ketemu di kelas XII ya ibu "guru"

Monday, June 7, 2010


tiket jakarta - bali tanggal 24 juni 2010 450rb!
tiket bali - jakarta tanggal 29 juni 2010 450rb!

YANG MAU HUBUNGI: reihana 085716070302

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Looklet Fever

My take on Ashlee's adorable outfit. Enjoy :)

Ulangan Umum

Percuma belajar buat uub/uas. nilainya bakal segitu2 aja kok.
Bahkan gurunya aja jahat bgt, dikasih rangkuman kisi2 soalnya gimana, ulangannya gimana lagi. Yang keluar dari kisi2 soal itu cuma nomor 47, 48, 49, 50. Padahal gue udah hafal mati hampir seluruh isi kisi2 itu, paling halaman terakhir doang yang gue ga hafal. Orang terpinter sekelas aja katanya cm 70an.
Kimia lagi, udah gurunya ga pernah masuk (dengan alasan karena dia males), di kasih soal2 utk dipelajari, eh kaga ada yg keluar pas ulangan, maunya apa?
Agama yang remed seangkatan? Yang bego siapa coba.
pokoknya kalo sampe gue BAHASA INGRIS remed, gue tabokkin tu semua dewan guru.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Sweetest :')

"One day in kindergarten, my little sister came home and announced she was going to learn sign language so she could be friends with the new boy in her class...Today I watched her sign "I do" as she married that boy." -Gives Me

Looklet - User: reihana (Looks)

Looklet - User: reihana (Looks)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Shhhhh... don't tell anyone!

40 Secrets About Yourself.
Be honest no matter what.

1. Who was your last text from?
Sari Ayu Oktavia

2. Where was your default picture taken?

3. Whats your middle name?
don't have one

4. Your current relationship status?

5. Does your crush like you back?
i have a crush now?

6. What is your current mood?

7. What did you do after school yesterday?
eat at Koi

8. What color shirt are you wearing?

9. Who's your crush?
he's no longer a crush ;)

10. If you could go back in time and change something, would you?
not straightening my hair so much.

and not spending so much money cause now
i'm in a bit of an economic crisis.

12. Ever had a near death experience?
not that i can recall

13. Something you do a lot?

15. Who can you tell anything to?

16. Name someone who has the same birthday as you.

17. When was the last time you cried?

18. What's the last thing you ate?
chicken soup :)

19. If you could have one super power what would it be?

20. What's the first thing you notice about a guy/girl?

21. What do you usually order from starbucks?
caramel frappuccino

22. What's your biggest secret?

23. Favorite color?

24. What song has a special meaning for you?
endless love

25. Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv show?

26. What are you eating or drinking at the moment?

28. What's your favorite smell?
i went there.

29. Describe your life in one word; what would it be?
no words can describe such a life.

30. Have you ever kissed in the rain?

31. Why did your last relationship fail?
it didn't

32. What are you thinking about right now?
my sick little brother :'(

33. What should you be doing?
chasing squirrels.

34. Did someone make you upset/angry today? and who?
nobody : P

35. What are you listening to?
leona lewis

36. Do you like working in the yard?

37. If you could have any last name in the world, what would it be?

38. Do you act differently around the person you like?
i'd probably skrew something up.

39. What is your natural hair color?
i'm a dark brunette

40. Who was the last person to make you cry?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I dont Hate her, I STRONGLY DISLIKE her

you knowmy english teacher this year? yeah, well she's really messed up. when she talks,she makes no sense, and nothing she says even has a slight connection to the conversation. so toall the freshmen out there, good luck with her next year.

Friday, March 5, 2010

blabbing on about some not so important stuff

So it's been a while since i've blogged. I'm not sure now what to blog about...
Oh yeah, among other films, i watches Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief.

And honestly, it kinda sorta sucked reeaaal bad. it was like trying to heroic, epic, and everything. But it was nowhere near how good it seemed on it's trailor.Tapi nonton aja, ga jelek2 amat juga sih.Gue nonton Percy di PI bareng kevie, lisa, lidya, dan demmy karena kita ini lagi lubur 10 hari :D. Baru masuk lagi tanggal 8.

Dan gue cuma ngabisin Rp30.500. Hebat kan?
3.500 buat busway ke pi
15.000 buat nonton nomat PI
2.000 buat patungan taksi nyebrang ke GI
10.000 buat patungan taksi pulang
(gue sama lisa bawa bekel biar hemat karena kita kan ekonomis huehehee)

Hari selasa bareng Fannov, Gio, Lisa, Vinka, Vanti, Sawi, Demmy, dan Kevie naik busway lagi mencari baju murah. Gue beli 2 scarf 15rb, kemeja tangan pendek 2.5rb, dan rok denim 15rb
Trus makan dcos patungan sama vinka cm :D. Vinka dan Gio melanjutkan perjalanannya tp yg lain pulang karena udah cape dan panas.

Gue latihan 3 hari berturut2 nih. Awalnya sih karna mau tampil hari selasa, tp ternyata ga jadi tampil so i'm sorta confused why we're still doing 3 days in a row~

Friday, February 19, 2010

February 18th 2010

Every girl dreams of her prince in shining armor
Maybe you're mine

Saturday, February 6, 2010

ladies only

Do you sleep in your bra? nooo

Do you enjoy drama? no, i'm definitely not a dramatic person

Are you a girly girl? only sometimes :P

Last person you hugged? one of my cheermates :D

Small or big handbags? small

Do you dress up on Halloween? i did when i lived in urbana

Are you double jointed? i think so

Has anyone touched/smacked your butt ? honestly, yes :9

Last person you hung out with? vbc

Do you call anybody by their last name? yup

How many guys will read this just because it says Lady Survey? haha not a lot

Do you wear makeup? not to school

Ever cried at a movie theater? yeeeees

Can you put on mascara without opening your mouth? yes i can, and i'm proud

Do you think Ryan Sheckler is cute? yeah

Eyeliner or Mascara? definitely MASCARA, but only the lash booster that vinka sells :D

Straight or curly hair? CURLY

Hoops or dangling earings? dangling

Do you have a best friend? i have a few

Have you ever had your heart broken? yes, but i got fixed 2 days later :D

Do you like your life? yes :)

Ever walked into the guys bathroom? hell yes

Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on? yeess

Would you ever tell someone you loved them even though you didn't mean it? no

Have you ever slapped a boy in the face? no, but i've punched

Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? yes

Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind? yes

Do you believe in the saying once a cheater, always a cheater? sadly yes

Do you ever wish you were famous? yes

Are you currently missing someone? YES

Contacts or Glasses? both

Funny or Serious? funny

Romantic or Daredevil? both

Cute or Hot? HOT

Long Hair or Short Hair? long

Good Dancer or Good Singer? singer

Basketball Player or Football Player? BASKETBALL ;D

Smoker or Non-smoker? non smoker of course

Has a Motorcycle or Has a Sports Car? sports car

Summer, Winter, Spring or Fall? summer and winter

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

hari raya pecun

hari ini pas pelajaran mandarin, tmn sebangku gue yaitu fanny novia menemukan sesuatu yang menarik pada halaman 62 paragraf ke3 di buku cetak mandarin kelas 11.
hari raya pecun itu benar ada.
juga disebut dengan istilah Duanwu, hari raya pecun adalah hari yang dirayakan untuk memperingati seorang penyiar kuno bernama Qu Yuan.
di rayakan pada tanggal 5, bulan ke5 Imlek, tradisinya adalah merayakan dengan membuat bacang dan menyelenggarakan lomba perahu naga.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

so what's new?

hari kamis pagi2 nykap gue pamit secara tiba2, mau ninggalin gue ke seemarang. yasudah.
hari jumat kmrn gue telat bangun jd bolos, trus krna ga cape sekolah jd semangat lthn, eh ga taunya ga lthn.
hari sabtu pagi bokap gue nyusul ke semarang. jam 6 atletik, lari sprint 100m jd ga cape sm sekali. jam 10 latihan cheers dan akhirnya we were complimented by our coach, he said our pyramid was cool :D. pas nyoba liberty (yg emg dari dulu gue kaga bisa, cm gara2 ega bisa gue jd ada tekanan batin.) bisa, walaupun masih sangat jelek, dan turunnya masih nyakitin orang (maaf ya). trus pas nuker base gue jatoh dan kaga ada yg nangkep, pdhl stiap kali ine jatoh dia di tangkep (haha jd dendam gini gue). gue jatoh di pantat, dan mental ke kepala. dlm proses menyakiti diri itu, gue menyakiti seorang miryana vinka juga, dia mimisan (maaf ya vin). yasudah sampe gue tidur kepala gue masih kerasa kyk di teken2, di remes2 gitu.
today i woke up at 11 am. at 12 i left for a date with my one and only love **i (hayoo siapaaa). cm gara2 kmrn jatoh, jd leher gue seharian kaku san sakit benjedh. trus tiba2 tenggorokan gue bengkak pas lg ntn avatar sumpah tiba2 gitu, rancu bgt. nykap gue pulang tp oleh2 gue dari jogjanya ketinggalan di kosan kk gue.
skg gue lg ntn american idol finale yg season krmn (sumpah si norman gentle lucu bgt) sambil makan slh satu buah favorit gue yaitu rambutan yeah!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

mampus lo

sorry baru posting ttg yg ini nih, padahal penting, tp gue baru sembuh jd maaf. eh ngpain gue minta maaf? ga ada juga kan yg nunggu2 gue posting?
anywho, gue itu nympe gambir hari sbtu jam 10.00 mlm. jam segitu, toko2nya udah tutup. 10.30 udah sepi. 10.34 tinggal gue doang. selain gue cm ada supir2 taksi, abang2 ojek, kuli2 bangunan, dan om2 yg keliatannya hobby dandan dan hobby nongkrong di stasiun kereta -_-..
setiap orang yang ngewatin gue itu pasti laki2, udah ga ada perempuan lagi jam segitu. dan setiap laki2 itu ngeliatnya dari atas sampe bawah sampe atas lagi, trus senyum. jijik ga lo? gue pasang tampang sangar bgt deh pokoknya.
trus ada abang ojek nawarin ojeknya kan, gue lgsg tolak. trus ktnya "ayo deek, mau dianterin kmn?". gue tolak lagi kan gue lg nunggu di jemput bokap (yang ngaretnya parah). trus dia kyk mau meluk gue gitu loh, tangannya udah melingkari bahu gue. trus gue bilang dengan tampang sangar "apaan lo anjing?" trus dia lepas, tp ga lama lagi dia gitu lagi. yaa namanya gue membela diri gue langsung tonjok aja mukanya.
ga tau muka dia sakit apa ga, tp tangan gue sih sakit bgt.
10.51 bokap dateng
gue hari minggu mlmnya tiba2 sakit gitu. kan emg seharian cape. trus tiba2 menggigil ga jelas bgeeet, kyk org bego sumpah. nah itu kan 10 menit nonstop gue menggigil kyk org aneh, abis itu badan gue lgsg panas bgt 39 apa kalo ga salah.
trus yaudah gue sakit tuh dan lo tau parahnya apa? keluarga gue ninggalin gue, pada ke puncak. parah kan yaaa? gue tinggal di sini ga pernah keluar kamar, pusing kalo bangun. trus di rumah cm ada bokap & abang gue. gue abis berantem sm bokap jd ga ada sama sekali yg namanya 'communication' di antara kita. kalo kakak gue sih baik bgt setiap gue lagi sakit, tp yaa dia juga ada acaranya sendiri jd cm nemenin gue kdg2.
new years eve hanya di kamar karena blm 100% sembuh. jam 10 mlm udah tidur.
kmrn gue ke sency tp badan gue hngt lagi jd pulang ke rumah 'temen' deh hehe. trus gue di kasih boneka macan rawrrr. trus td ke citos sama tmn2 smp, full team lhoooo (akhirnyaa hehe).